Personal data
Born in Vienna in 1976
Austrian citizen
Language skills: German, English
Driving license group B
University degree in applied sciences at the Technikum Wien with specialization in biomedicine and computer systems technology
Experience by industry
Automotive, traffic engineering and toll systems
Avionics, nautical and military technology
Projects-related technical experience
Management of validation, test automation and testing of safety-critical systems
Service provider in the field of mechatronics (mechanics, electronics and software)
Software development of embedded systems
Soft skills in project support
Experienced technician for projects in challenging environment
Driving force to complete projects promptly and successfully
Affinity regarding the creation of project, test and acceptance documentation
Continuing education and certifications
ISTQB-BCS - International Software Testing Qualifications Board - British Computer Society
IREB CPRE - International Requirements Engineering Board for Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering Foundation Level
SDL - Systems Development Life Cycle - for project management
Agile for embedded, agility with Kanban
Jira including extension for X-Ray and Confluence
Database administrator and developer
Object Oriented Design for Practitioners
C++ design patterns and templates
Standards used during my activities
ISO 26262 - Automotive
EN 13757 - Wireless Meter Bus
EN 50090 - Home and Building Electronic Systems
EUROCAE ED-12B - European Airborne Flight Safety Systems
IDIS - Interoperable Device Interface Specifications
IEC 61508 - Functional Safety of Electronic safety-related Systems
IEC 62056 - International Standard versions of the DLMS/COSEM
Device Language Message Specification / COmpanion Specification for Energy Metering -
IEC 62304 - Medical Device Software
Achievements as Test Leader and Quality Assurance Engineer for highway infrastructure
Successful specification and implementation of acceptance tests between manufacturer and customer
Significant time savings in test execution through implementation of cross-project methodology
Creation of practical user stories and journeys for test automation
Development-accompanying system evaluation by simulating complex traffic flows
Achieved success as a Test Automation Developer for smart meter world leaders
Significant time savings in testing effort through test automation
Development support through development-accompanying implementation of end-2-end validation
Successful monitoring of the safety certification by an external test center
Achieved successes as a Business Analyst for telecom market leaders
Customers with LTE can make calls without network interruption
End-to-end migration of two external partners in compliance with regulatory requirements
Simultaneous credit check of new customers during online payment instead of manual check
Specification of the commission calculation including migration of inventory data for external partners
Fraud combat through expanding security monitoring at the point of sale